Friday, October 24, 2008

I hate my job.

It's true. I could never work in retail, least not the customer end of retail for very long. I almost had a mental break down today... and it wasn't even an excessively hard day. It's just like as soon as I walk into that god damn store my life gets set on repeat for the next 8 hours. As soon as I get done with something I turn around and do the exact same thing again.... and again.... and again... and it's not like it's factory work, where you make some and it moves along and you make something again.... no. You're redoing everything you've already done.... again and again... get the monotony of it all? This is single handedly this most unproductive job i've ever had the displeasure of being part of. It makes me want to yell at small children, just to see them cry... so I can laugh. I hate it. It's so uncreative. I don't understand how people have made a career out this... 12, 25 years... i'd kill myself... or someone else. This thought grates on me everytime I walk in the door. The holiday season isn't even here yet. FUCK. Granted todayi was already a little stressed out before I even made it in... but something about the whole place made me feel bat shit insane. I'm seriously going to ask my doctor about getting something to chill me out a little bit... I thought I was finished being angry at the world... but this seriously doesn't feel like the teenage angst "why me" shit I felt years ago... This is me trying to figure out if today is the day I'm really going to snap.

Something must be done.