Thursday, October 9, 2008


Our teacher had his graduate assistant send us a pdf copy of HOW TO BE A GOOD WIFE. Granted I missed class on Wednesday and Monday (we had a guest speaker so it didn't really matter) But I'm failing to see how it would apply to any Business Psychology class, whose goal is to get us prepared for the real business world and have a successful life within business polotics. I'm baffled, and somewhat amused and offended at the same time. I sent an email asking the assistant to explain the context in which the file was meant or used in class. I'm still awaiting HER reply.

Granted it is from a 1950's textbook, but it came with no other body other that "Dr. Canjemi thought this would be useful to you all" I'm waiting for the punchline.

If you would like to see the file click here!